Friday, February 2, 2007

Thing 7

I find it amazing at how little I get pictures printed with a digital camera. Nowadays, I show up with my digital camera, plug in some cords into the television, and have a slideshow for my folks. Now there's places where I can get a company to create a photo book with my digital pictures: I've been meaning to do this, but who has time to sit down and sort through the pics and make these wonderful collages? Yeah I know the magic of tags, but who the heck has time?

On another note, don't you just love the delete feature of a digital camera?

Thing 6

Mosaic Maker is such a fun tool to use with your pictures. Here are pictures I took at the San Diego Zoo last fall. FD's Flickr Toys has way too many cool tools to explore. Warholizer was especially fun to use. Ahhhhh, the magic of digital cameras.